Intro to Longform

Price: 290€ upfront
Class size: 12 pax
Tier: 3
Pre-requisites: 2 x Tier II courses


About the Course

Intro to Longform builds upon the work in the Tier II courses and gives actors the tools to create full scenes without a structure or game that's fixed in advance. Students will learn how to draw inspiration from a variety of sources and then create full scenes out of nothing. Using fellow players to buoy their creativity, longform improvisation gives the improviser the freedom to explore relationships between characters and create stories with complete arcs. This style of improv can be both comedic and dramatic and is a perfect challenge for the improviser after their first year of training.

The Armando is a classic longform improv format which relies on true stories told by the players to inspire the scenes.

Dig Deep - Create scenes that have the legs to last more than a couple minutes

Your Team is Your Safety Net - Rely on your teammates for support as you perform without an MC.

Players in the Driver's Seat - At the performances, the teacher steps back and lets the students control the flow of the show.

The Armando - A classic longform improv format which relies on true stories told by the players to inspire the scenes.

Important Information

  • To respect everyone’s time, we ask everyone to arrive between 7:15pm and 7:25pm so that the class may start on time. The doors will be locked at 7:30pm sharp so that the teachers can begin the class. At 8:00pm the doors will open once more, for anyone who has arrived late. Arrival after 8:00pm means you will have to miss the class, except in exceptional circumstances by previous arrangement.

  • This course includes a 30% discount on all Big shows and jams, and a 50% discount on Big Sunday Drop-In workshops for the duration of your course! Discount codes will be sent out in the first week of term.

  • Full payment is due on the first day of class, or in instalments by previous arrangement with the school. We do not pro-rate classes & every student pays the same tuition regardless of attendance. Unfortunately we are unable to offer refunds for cancellations or drop-outs, so please consider carefully before booking.

  • Signing up is a commitment to taking the course and there are no make up classes. Please inform the teacher if you are unable to attend a class or are arriving late.

  • Didn’t register in time? Don’t fret, just email us to join our waiting list and you will be notified of any spots open. If enough people join the waiting list, a second class may be offered.

  • By signing up to a course with BIG, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct

If you have any questions that this page did not answer, please email us at